Dodirni mi kolena zana

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They soon got a term to record in 's Studio VI, where they were spotted by lyricist , who had previously worked with , , , , , , and other acts. After the departure of Zana Nimani in 1984, Jovićević and Živanović continued to lead the band, changing vocalists. Kanada je bila utočište za sve izgubljene duše koje nisu mogle da se snađu u Jugoslaviji okruženom ratom. Bend je zajedno sa Zanom Nimani krenuo u Švedsku da snimi album, a pre nego što su poleteli, Marina je dala tekstove za pesme koje će od grupe Zana i njihove vodeće pevačice napraviti ogromne zvezde. Gledam kroz prozor 09.

This section needs additional citations for. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. December 2016 Zana Nimani was born in 1961 in , to parents from the town of. Nimani started her career in 1976, when she started to sing with the band Suton, in which her at the time boyfriend played guitar. Since 1979, the band started to perform under the name Zana. However, when Zana went on a hiatus in 1984, Nimani decided to leave the band which would continue to work under the name Zana. The album was recorded in and featured Swedish. It was produced by , who also authored part of the songs. Soon after, she retired from the scene. With the she moved to ,.

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